For all the Newbies, I would like to "resurrect" this topic to the top again from last year. ENJOY!
Newly Enlightened
JoinedPosts by Newly Enlightened
Girl scout cookies are demonized
by Gojira_101 inokay so i think it might be the concussion making me go on this rant...not too sure.. the girl scouts started selling their cookies yesterday and for the first time in my life i will be ordering cookies.....i mean wtf is so wrong with ordering cookies from them?
i love the thin mint's and guess what?
you can only buy them from girl scouts!!!!!!.
JW Literature... Lots of it... what to burn and what to keep?
by ILoveTTATT ini have lots and lots of watchtower literature... and i don't know what could be useful in the future to have as a reference or as a keeper.
i am definitely keeping the 1993 and 1994 bound volumes of the awake!
(no, we are not false prophets... down in the same page, the generation of 1914 will not pass... also the youths who put god the watchtower first).
Newly Enlightened
You wouldn't happen to have a 2010 WT bound volume?????
"They've made us debt FREE !!!"
by gingerbread inso proclaimed the brother that read the wt letter tonight that explained the new kingdom hall funding arrangement.. everyone in the hall claps .... well, like it was the last talk on the district convention.. he says 'what bank would wipe out a debt of $200,000 ???
only jehovah's organization!
isn't this wonderful !!!".
Newly Enlightened
BOE letter..
Finland is starting to investigate JW's
by Newly Enlightened inhi everyone, thought you all would find this article interesting...there are a few more that they are translating into englis and i will post those as they post them.
i find it interesting that it was an ngo member that brought this tot he governments attention.. .
Newly Enlightened
Another article coming out of Finland.... Thank you Anna for sending us this.
Finland is starting to investigate JW's
by Newly Enlightened inhi everyone, thought you all would find this article interesting...there are a few more that they are translating into englis and i will post those as they post them.
i find it interesting that it was an ngo member that brought this tot he governments attention.. .
Newly Enlightened
Hi Everyone, thought you all would find this article interesting...there are a few more that they are translating into Englis and I will post those as they post them. I find it interesting that it was an NGO member that brought this tot he governments attention.
The Demons love the Watchtower !!
by AndDontCallMeShirley in"i was very nearly trapped beyond hope of regaining freedom, in one.
of satan's most successful devices, viz., spiritism.
i was induced.
Newly Enlightened
Good catch DCMS!
New Atlanta Assembly Hall Has raised 3.4 million Dollars... GONE
by James Jackson inthey announced last week that the new atanta assembly hall has thus far raised 3.4 million dollars.
my local told that will become the society's come may 1. i wonder how that will go over with the ones who have been contributing to this fund..
Newly Enlightened
There was another thread on here awhile back about the assembly hallin Guadalajara that y'all might find interesting...
Big money scams...
BOE april 25
by Gorbatchov indoes someone have the boe april 25 letter about the transfer of the local ownership of all kingdom halls to the society?.
it seems a mayor financial transaction, allthough here in the netherlands.. gorby.
Newly Enlightened
Yes, we have new friends and we all have a brotherhood that JW's will not ever understand. Here is the link to that Elders letter 3/29/2014 Thank you jwleaks
Click on the BLUE box, not the ads...
Thank you for the shout out Clarity....
Meeting with an Elder and his wife
by Abe Ostate ini'm a non-witness who is doing research on jehovah's witnesses (and has been for several years).
i just got out of a meeting with an elder and his wife.
i'm still somewhat stupefied.
Newly Enlightened
WOW! I lived thru that entire 1975 debacle. I love how they always deny that fiasco. [Rolling eyes]
Why are you looking forward to 1872? Er, 1873? Um...1874? Oh, I mean 1975?
by AndDontCallMeShirley in"why are you looking forward to 1872?".
.. "in this chapter we present the bible evidence which indicates that six thousand years from the creation of adam were complete with a.d. 1872; and hence that, since a.d. 1872 are chronologically entered upon the seventh thousand or the millennium.
" (studies in the scriptures, vol.
Newly Enlightened
I thought the whole 1975 debacle was OUR fault? hehe